
After the People's Revolution of 1921, the People's Government approved the Basic Economic Policy for the reconstruction of the country in July 1923. In the framework of that policy, ... it is better to open a currency bank to help Mongolians with money shortages, first, the People's Government and Soviet Russia established the Mongolian Trade and Industry Bank (Mongolbank) on June 2, 1924. started operating from

The Mongolian Trade and Industry Bank has been building up the State Treasury since the first day of its operation. The State Bank has a history of separately establishing a unit responsible for the collection and concentration of state treasures in 1983 under the name of State Fund of Valuables and Treasures by Resolution No. 101 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Korea (currently the Government). With the establishment of the State Treasure Fund, it has become important to store and protect unique valuables and monuments of historical and cultural significance of Mongolia in the State Fund.

In 1994, the State Great Khural approved the Law on the State Treasury, legalizing the operation of the State Treasury and guaranteeing its inviolability. In 2004, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the strengthening of the banking system in Mongolia, the Treasure Fund Exhibition was established to display and introduce to the public the unique historical and cultural treasures stored in the Treasury. In 2021, as part of the efforts to make the operations of the Bank of Mongolia transparent and open, and to improve public financial education, the currency hall at the Treasure Fund, which shows the history of Mongolia's payment instruments according to the standards of international central banks, was opened and started operations.